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Normalized Fields

Körber has created Normalized fields to help myShipINFO users with fields that facilitate quick data analysis and close gaps with carrier-provided data.  All normalized fields are based on carrier-provided invoice data, but are manipulated and maintained by Körber.


Service Level (Normalized) 

This field groups similar service levels into categories (buckets) that allow for quick analysis.  For example, “Next Day AM”, “Next Day Saver” and “Next Day” service commitments are all bucketed as “Next Day” to facilitate easy analysis on all next day services.  To see the billed (actual) service, users can leverage the Service Level (Invoiced) field.


Zone (Normalized) 

This field groups similar zones into categories (buckets) that allow for quick analysis.  For example, UPS zones 108, 208 and 308 are all bucketed as “Zone 8” to facilitate easy analysis on all zone 8 shipments.  To see the billed (actual) zone, users can leverage the Zone (Invoiced) field.


Shipment Count (Normalized) 

This field populates a “1” or “0” depending on whether a shipment has multiple records in myShipINFO.  The first time a record for a shipment is billed, this field will populate with a “1” to represent that shipment.  Any supplementary records billed towards that shipment will receive a “0” in this field.  For example, if tracking # 1Z678910 is billed twice (one initial billing and one shipping charge correction), the first instance of that record will receive a “1” and the second instance will receive a “0”.  Calculating a sum of this field will give you the true package count for the shipments in your report.


Bill Weight (Normalized) 

This field populates either the invoiced billed weight or “0” depending on whether a shipment has multiple records in myShipINFO.  The first time a record for a shipment is billed, this field will populate with the invoiced bill weight.  Any supplementary records billed towards that shipment will receive a “0” in this field.  For example, if tracking # 1Z678910 is billed twice (one initial billing and one shipping charge correction), the first instance of that record will show the true billed weight and the second instance will receive a “0”.  Calculating a sum of this field will give you the true total billed weight related to the shipments in your report, ensuring that multiple records for the same shipment don’t inflate the total bill weight in your analysis.


Actual Weight (Normalized)

This field populates either the invoiced actual weight or “0” depending on whether a shipment has multiple records in myShipINFO.  The first time a record for a shipment is billed, this field will populate with the invoiced actual weight.  Any supplementary records billed towards that shipment will receive a “0” in this field.  For example, if tracking # 1Z678910 is billed twice (one initial billing and one shipping charge correction), the first instance of that record will show the true actual weight and the second instance will receive a “0”.  Calculating a sum of this field will give you the true total actual weight related to the shipments in your report, ensuring that multiple records for the same shipment don’t inflate the total actual weight in your analysis.

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