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Charge Level Detail Reports

Analysis Details (FedEx)

Default Format: Excel_X (.xlsx); Available Formats: Excel (.xls), CSV (.csv), Access Database (.mdb), and PDF

Applicable Carriers: FedEx

This report shows a detail level of all shipments and audit results from a client’s shipper numbers over a specific date range. This report provides information such as detailed shipper and receiver information, shipper numbers, bill option, bill weight, actual weight, ship device, receiver account, declared value, customs value, dimensions, GL code, credit reason (explanation), net charge, adjusted amount, audited amount, and more. This report is useful when looking for a complete and detailed description of each individual package shipped via FedEx during a particular time period.

Analysis Details (UPS)

Default Format: Excel_X (.xlsx); Available Formats: Excel (.xls), CSV (.csv), and PDF

Applicable Carriers: UPS

This report shows a detail level of all shipments from a client’s account numbers over a specific date range. This report details each charge on any given tracking number. Information provided for each tracking number and/or charge includes: service description/category, bill option, detailed shipper and receiver information, bill and actual weight, weight index, bill weight type, zone, net charge, incentive, charge classification code, charge description, and more. Use this report when looking for detailed information on a tracking number, and any fees applied to it. (Note: This report is only available for data received via UPS Billing Data)

Miscellaneous Charges

Default Format: Excel_X (.xlsx) Available Formats: Excel (.xls), MBD (.mbd), and PDF

Applicable Carriers: UPS, FedEx, DHL, OnTrac

This report shows what non-service level charges were associated with a client’s packages during the specified date range of the report. Reports for UPS are provided as a summary report, while reports for FedEx, DHL, and OnTrac are detail reports. Reports for the summary version for UPS shows: each miscellaneous charge type, number of times it occurred, net charges, and sum approved amount. The detail report for FedEx, DHL and OnTrac shows each individual charge and its associated: tracking number, service description, invoice number, net charge, and detailed receiver information. This report can highlight trends in miscellaneous charges, making it easier to identify problem areas or recurring charges to focus on.

Parcel Shipment Detail

Default Format: Excel_X (.xlsx); Available Formats: Excel (.xls), CSV (.csv), Access Database (.mdb), and PDF

Applicable Carriers: All Parcel

This report shows details for each shipment and the accessorial charges that were added during a certain time period or control number. This is the most commonly used detail report. Each charge (freight charge or accessorial charge) is listed along with the following information: shipper number, invoice number, invoice date, invoice amount, tracking number, ship date, delivery date, delivery time, code, zone, references, actual weight, bill weight, detailed shipper information, detailed receiver information, net charges, incentive, service description, and more. This is the most detailed report available on a client’s shipments. This report can be easily filtered and manipulated to analyze data in any way desired.

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