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Freight Reports

Line-Item Detail

Default Format: Excel_X (.xlsx); Available Formats: Excel (.xls) and CSV (.csv)

This report provides the complete details of every invoice received, the charges on it, and audited results on a line item basis. For line item charges, the following information is provided: carrier name, invoice number, pro number, BOL number, bill option, invoice date, ship date, delivery date, mode, invoice method, detailed shipper and receiver information, weight/quantity, charged description, rate, invoice amount, approved charges, adjustment, adjustment reason, and more. Use this report when looking for specific invoice details, as it provides most all of the information known on any given invoice.

Shipment Detail

Default Format: Excel_X (.xlsx); Available Formats: Excel (.xls), PDF, and CSV (.csv)

Each line in this report is a specific invoice received. For each invoice, the following information is provided: carrier name, invoice number, pro number, BOL number, bill option, invoice date, ship date, delivery date, mode of transportation, invoice method, GL code (if using Körber GL coding), PO number, references, detailed shipper and receiver information, total weight, total charges, total line haul charges, total fuel surcharges, total discounts received, total accessorial fees, total adjustments (items found during audit), total amount due, invoice status (paid, pending customer review, GL coding, etc.), payrun number, adjustment reason, and more. This is both a very readable and detailed report. This report differs from the Line Item Detail report because the Line Item Detail report enumerates every line item charge on its own line. Although this report provides much of the same information, it consolidates all of an invoice’s charges onto one line of the report, making it easy to use and follow

Stop Off Detail

Default Format: Excel_X (.xlsx); Available Formats: Excel (.xls), CSV (.csv), PDF

This report details invoices that contain shipments with multiple stop offs. For each invoice, the following information is provided: carrier name, invoice number, pro number, BOL number, invoice date, ship date, delivery date, mode of transportation, GL code (if using Körber GL coding), PO number, bill option, stop number, detailed shipper and receiver information, total/stop weight, total/stop units, total charges, line haul charges, fuel surcharges, accessorial charges, adjustments (items found during audit), total amount due, and invoice status. This report is useful for finding specific details of each segment of a multi-stop shipment. Since each segment possesses its own shipper and receiver address, quantity, weight, etc., this report helps to organize this information into a usable format.

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