Determining Invoice Status
This video will walk you through how to determine invoices status and whether an invoice is open for processing or closed for payment.
For additional content, like how to look up a freight invoice, click here.
If you are navigating from the Carrier Training Center and need to return, click here.
**Please note the Approved Amount is not final until invoice is in a closed status**
Open and Closed Invoice Status
Open statuses are:
In Process - Data Entry
In Process - QA
Potential Duplicate
In Process - Audit
Pending Auditor Clarification
Pending Auditor Review
Pending Customer Review
Pending Carrier Review
Invoices Returned From Customer/Carrier
Closed Statuses are:
Pending GL Coding
Audit Complete
Pending Customer Funding
Payment Processing
Invoice Status Terms
Invoice has passed DE/QA or EDI verification and is in one of the following statuses listed below:
In Process - Data Entry
In Data Entry Queue - Invoice sent via PDF is in queue to be keyed by Körber.
In Process - QA
In Quality Assurance Queue - Invoice that was sent via PDF enters this queue after being keyed by Körber. Our QA team checks that data for accuracy
Potential Duplicate
Invoice has one or more fields (Invoice number, PRO number, BOL number, etc.) that is identical to another invoice in the system. If the invoice is confirmed as a duplicate, it is zero paid. If it is confirmed as not a duplicate, it is sent to one of the queues below for further auditing.
In Process - Audit
In Audit Queue
Pending Auditor Clarification
Auditor clarification needed for data entry question - Our data entry team has a question on how to key the invoice. This question is sent to the auditor to clarify details
Pending Auditor Review
In Audit Queue per audit rule - invoice is hitting a pre-existing audit rule determined by the customer. Invoices in this queue are still being audited with consideration for special circumstances
Pending Customer Review
Pushed to Customer Portal for approval/denial - Customer authorization is needed to process the invoice. The remit comment section and adjustment reason will explain the reason for sending the invoice to the customer
Pending Carrier Review
Pushed to Carrier Portal for carrier review - Additional information is needed for processing. Carrier needs to action this invoice in the Task List in MSI. The task column and adjustment reason column in the task list explain why the invoice was sent for review
Invoices Returned From Customer/Carrier
Invoice has been actioned by the customer/carrier in the task list and has been sent back to Körber for review
Invoice has the audit process and is in one of the following statuses listed below:
Pending GL Coding
Invoice processing completed - needs GL code in order to be placed on a pay run. This code will come from the customer and is updated in the system by Körber on a weekly basis
Audit Complete
Invoice processing completed - will appear on the next available pay run based on net pay terms
Pending Customer Funding
Bill Pay Customers: Invoice closed into a pay run - Approved amount for invoice has been reported to the customer for funding. Once Körber receives the funds, payment will be issued within 24 hours.
Non-Bill Pay Customers: Invoice closed into a pay run - Approved amount for invoice has been reported to the customer for funding. Körber has no visibility to payment information beyond the “Pending Customer Funding” status. Please contact the customer directly for payment detail.
Payment Processing
Bill Pay Customers: Funding has been received - payment is issued within 24 hours
Non-Bill Pay Customers: Status will not be used for non-bill pay clients
Bill Pay Customers: Invoice completed entire process including payment. Payment details and payment information are now available in MSI
Non-Bill Pay Customers: A default, closed status for Non-Bill Pay clients. Körber has no visibility to payment information beyond the “Pending Customer Funding” status. Payment information will not be shown in MSI. Please contact customer directly for payment detail.