Delivery & Tracking
Undelivered Shipments (21 Days)
Default Format: Excel_X (.xlsx); Available Formats: Excel (.xls) and PDF
Applicable Carriers: UPS, FedEx
This report shows what shipments have not been scanned as delivered to their destination 21 days after the package was scheduled for delivery. For each tracking number, the following information is provided: invoice number, service description, shipper number, shipper postal code, receiver postal code, ship date, scheduled delivery date, and freight cost. This report can provide information on specific tracking numbers that need to be investigated as a potentially lost package.
On Time Performance by Service
Default Format: PDF; Available Formats: Excel_X (.xlsx) and Excel (.xls)
Applicable Carriers: UPS, FedEx, DHL, OnTrac
This report shows a summary, by service level, of the on-time performance of shipments. For each service level, the following information is provided: total number of shipments, number/percent of shipments delivered on-time, number/percent of shipments delivered late, and number/percent of packages still in transit. This report shows a very high level summary of which service levels provide the most on-time deliveries.