Get Started
Data Dictionary
myShipINFO Log In
Körber Business Intelligence Training
Business Intelligence Definitions
Invoice Lookup Terms
Copy of Configurations
Items 2
Step 01
Create a new client user for myShipINFO by filling out the following form.
Step 02
Select the form below if you are adding a new carrier. By adding a new carrier, Körber will now be able to process invoices from this carrier immediately.
Step 03
*Körber bill pay customers only
Download and return the attached EFT form.
Step 04
To add new or updated carrier contracts/rate agreements, fill out the form below.
step 05
For parcel accounts only, you can access the link below to add new account numbers. Once added, the new account # will be audited.
Step 06
To add any GL Coding updates, rule changes, upload to the GL Coding Form.
Step 07
Let's get started! Access myShipINFO training material in the Körber Training Center.
Step 08
Please fill out this form to receive an invite to the live monthly MSI training hosted by the Koerber Client Services team.